The hour of the wolf
has now ended. Cocks
crow. The world is built
up again, struggling in

The child gives in to night-
Mare, while the grown
Man fears his fear.

I must leave this island,
Struggling to be born
from blackness.

Fear the good deep dark
American Night
Blessed is Night.

The flood has subsided
The movie panic & the
chauffeured drive
Thru the suburbs

Wild folks in weird dress
by the side of the hiway.

Some of the men wear
Tunics or short skirts.
The women posture on
Their porches in mock-
classical pose.

The driver aims the car
& it guides itself. Tunnels
click by overhead.

Love the deep green gloom
of American Night.

Love frightened corners,
Thrill to the wood-vine.

So much of it good
& so much quantity.

The Major's boots are where
he left them.


Period prints-white
& black boxing match.

A Negro Dance

The principal of the school holds his nose.
"A dead cow is in there. I wonder
why they haven't sent someone to
remove it?"

A vulture streams by,
& another. The white tip
of his claw-like red beak
looks white, like meat.
Swift sad languorous

The cat drinks little cat
laps form a sick
Turquoise swimming pool.

(Insane couplings out in the night.)

America, I am hook'd to your
Cold white neon bosom, & suck
snake-like thru the dawn, I
am drawn back home
your son in exile
in the land of Awakening
What dreams possessed you
To merge in the morning?

"I been in a daze"

A spot, a reef, behind
the nursery door, off
the main bedroom-
"Those are the major's."

The bed looms like a white
funereal butterfly barge
at one end of the room.,
hung w/nets & sails.

"We're outlaws."

"What church is that?"
"Church of God."
white bandana, white tambourine

-Walking on the Water-

"In traditional style, we'll
give them a good political


a frog in the road
children in church
lying like death
on the back seat

A whore-house.
Lord John & Lady Anne's.
Red-blooded Blue-blooded.
Queen's bosom.
Is it The Princess?

Golden-blood, like me, he said,
folding the bill again neatly,
the Queen's ear-a naked
cock stuck in her ass.

Ha Ha Ha Ha.

You're no more innocent
than a turkey vulture.

A cannon.

The Negro slaves & the English
killed the Indians, & mixed
w/the Spanish, who were soon
forced out.

Yes, big battles

Boom. Boom.